GoDaddy spectacularly went offline earlier this week, and with it went millions of popular websites around the Internet. To make up for the incident, the Web hosting company sent out emails to customers apologizing with a one-month free service offer as a way to snuff out any remaining fires.
CEO Scott Wagner said the outage was due to a “series of internal network events that corrupted router data tables,” and not a result of Anonymous hackery. The company also ensured that it identified the problem quickly, and was able to get back online with services fully restored. “Monday, we fell short of [our] expectations,” Wagner said. “We have learned from this event and will use it to drive improvement in our services.”
The best news is that GoDaddy claims no sensitive customer information was compromised in the outage, so credit card data, addresses and passwords are all currently safe. A one-month credit is a nice gesture, but GoDaddy still may have some damage control to perform as the week wages on. You can’t mess with the people’s precious Internet.
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